
The Splatoon 3 game is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch family of systems. ぽちぽちゲーム速報 20221005 水 18163961.

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. スプラトゥーン3前夜祭ホクサイショクワンダーでごり押し裏取りして3人落としたりできたけどまだ煮詰まってないからかな 2022年3月10日 スプラトゥーン3操. Choose your system Choose your system Explore the lineup of the Nintendo Switch family of systems. Splatoon 3 is a third-person shooter video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo SwitchLike its predecessors in the Splatoon series the game consists of.

It was released on the Nintendo Switch on 9 September 2022. Splatoon 3 s next Splatfest will be themed after Pokémon Scarlet and Violet asking players to choose which type of Starter Pokémon they go. Oct 7 2022 913 am.

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Best of 3 months. Project Splatoon 3 Mod A WIP major overhaul for Splatoon 3 using ideas from Alexis Pflaums Project Splatoon 3. Splatoon 3 is the third entry in the Splatoon series and the sequel to Splatoon 2.

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